$13.00 USD

Consider the Bundle?? It's like getting the first one for FREE! 

Crystal Guide 201

In This Guide:

  • 28+ pages include 18 (less common/rarer) crystals unique to this guide, often used for meditation and energetic healing.
  • This guide dives a bit deeper than the first two.
  • Each crystal has its own page with photos, imagery, properties & a mediation mantra (or two).
  • The layout is the same. In addition to the bonus pages from Guides 101 & 102, you will get 2 more unique bonus pages that go into more profound healing and 'shadow' work.
  • You will receive an email immediately after purchasing the download.



Don't forget, you can enhance your crystal knowledge with the Crystal Guide Bundle! Click to unlock all three guides, including this one. Each guide offers unique insights and bonus content, providing a comprehensive understanding of crystals, meditation, and energetic healing.