Rebuilding You; Whole Mind/Body Health
Are you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed in grief but don't know where to find relief?
I am a mom who has lost her son to suicide. I am now also a Certified Master Grief Guide, Trauma-Informed Energy Healer & Funeral Celebrant. With The Leftover Pieces, I am pulling from my lived survivor experience and also my education. Here , I companion and guide grieving parents in their healing after child loss by suicide, not to just review the pain, or to give them a one-size-fits-all "fix".
We will never be 'over' the loss of our child, but we can learn to live successfully alongside of it.

Healing You
"Picking up the Pieces" Online Support Group & Membership Community
Currently Meeting Monthly &/or Weekly
Calendars with dates & times available. CLICK BUTTON BELOW

Discovering You
Info for "Moms on a Mission" Legacy Writing Project
Starts MARCH 5, 2025
In the spaces I provide, you will be seen, listened to and empowered...we can grieve AND also heal while learning to live successfully alongside of this grief.
I have created these spaces and resources for you. So, what exactly is my approach to companioning you ask? and how does it differ from therapy? Let me explain.
The simplest way I can explain the difference is that with traditional therapy, it's often about looking back, feeling all the emotions, and then trying to analyze or cope with them.
Companioning differs by taking a forward moving approach, where you look at growing from your pain, moving toward the future - actually taking steps to pick up the pieces, and rebuild a meaningful life.

Now, this isn't to say that in companioning there is a disconnect from the pain of your loss, because parents do not get over the loss of a child - EVER.
Instead, we will seek the right healing tools specifically for you so that you can learn to live successfully alongside your unique grief.
Companioning takes more of a whole mind-body approach, and often we even explore more holistic options to get you to a place with joy, a place of wellness... a place of harmony.
Real Thoughts from My Heart to Yours
Get my "Weekly Griefy Musings from The Rabbit Hole" email, delivered right to your inbox every week. It is just a way to connect and give you a thought every week that might help you along your grief journey....but stuff not to overwhelm you! - this isn't that kind of email list!