Trauma to Bipolar; When Suicide Becomes an Option
Today I have a powerful conversation with Jennifer. You will hear her tell her story of the trauma- addiction- mental health-roller coaster that she was on for nearly 27 years before hitting bottom & starting to crawl back up. Jennifer struggled with serious suicidal thoughts at the bottom and she discusses it very candidly & I firmly believe that engaging in these conversations is where hope lives, hope blossoms & ultimately where change grows from.
You will hear her discuss how the relief of a bipolar diagnosis became a "prison" of a a diagnosis to the promises of diagnosis as she sees it now & the hope she lives with today.
Here are some great LINKS if you or someone you know needs help or lives with bipolar disorder,
N.A.M.I National Alliance on Mental Illness
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
BiPolar Magazine's Support Group
Healthy Place Bipolar Community Support
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts PLEASE reach out & talk to someone
The National Suicide Lifeline is there for you
IN a crisis you can also TEXT--->
TEXT the word "HOME" to 741741 in the USA
in Canada TEXT 686868
in the UK TEXT 85258
And Grievers, I am always here. You can find me on Instagram at The Leftover Pieces